There are a few different ways of compiling effective notes and it all depends on the note taker as to which way works best for them. Some like myself will prefer Mind Mapping, however the Cornell Format, the Outline Format, or the Sentence Format are all popular techniques used day in day out by students across the globe.
I prefer the Mind Mapping format as it is a good way to get an in-depth review of the subject by using key words, terms or specific images to replace long winded sentences. Relevant information can also be easily linked to other information in the notes and this, for me anyway, all helps to get a better grasp on the subject matter and I find it easier to highlight pertinent points.
The above image is a mind map I created whilst viewing the attached video about modern technology and how it is affecting the everyday lives of us as human beings. Shirley Turkle is a Psychologist who has studied in depth the role technology such as smart phones, emails, and social networking plays in our lives. She has reached the conclusion that social networking is not as social as it makes out and that we as a society have grown to expect more from technology and less from each other. Social media gives us the chance to always be heard, and never be alone and gives us access to many automatic listeners. However as we grow to rely on social media, text and e-mails for our interactions we sacrifice our conversations for online connections, in essence we are alone together.
Reference List
Calpoly (n.d) Note Taking Systems (online)Available at: [Accessed 3 December 2012]
Montgomery College (n.d) The Cornell System for Note-Taking (online) Available at: [Accessed 3 December 2012]
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