Sunday, 9 December 2012

1. Which, if any, is more important in your opinion and why: Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) or Emotional Intelligence (EI).

Cognitive Intelligence (IQ ) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) are the two main components of General Intelligence, which can be defined as ''one's overall capacity to think rationally, act purposefully and deal effectively with one's environment'' Wechsler (1958) or put in more simple terms it is how we learn.

Cognitive intelligence or intelligence quotient (IQ) as it is often referred as, is usually measured by one of a series of different tests which are designed to assess intelligence. Cooke (2012). The results of such tests however are disputed as to their validity as they do not measure Emotional or Social Intelligence and therefore do not take these qualities into account.

According to John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey, two of the leading researchers on the topic, emotional intelligence (EI) is "the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions."

The three models of emotional intelligence are 

as defined above
''an array of emotional competencies that contribute to managerial performance.''

''a cross section of interrelated emotional and social competenies, skills and facilitators that impact intelligent behaviour.''

Which one is more important is a question Psychologists have been asking for quite a while, in my opinion Emotional Intelligence which measures our Intrapersonal, & Interpersonal skills, adaptability and stress management holds more value when it comes to our interactions with others. Employers will look out for candidates who can work as part of a team thus requiring a higher E.I. The stereotype of the mad professor may or may not ring true but it is not unknown for those with higher IQ's to often find themselves socially confused especially when it comes to interpersonal skills such as empathy, social responsibility and adaptability. It is important that we can relate with others, be responsible members of society, and understand the emotions those around us display.

Reference List (2011) Emotional Intelligence - Psychology [online] Available at: [Accessed on 3 December 2012] (n.d) Emotional Intelligence [online] Available at: [Accessed on 3 December 2012]

Consortium for research on Emotional Intelligence in organisations (n.d) MSCEIT [online] Available at: [Accessed on 3 December 2012]

Cooke, D. (2012), Lecture Notes, IT Blanchardstown, Dublin. (n.d) Bar-On model of emotional-social intelligence [online] Available at: [Accessed on 3 December 2012]

Emotional Intelligence (n.d) IQEQ [online]. Accessed on [3 December 2012] Available at:

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